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About Me

I thought this would be a great way to share my healthy recipes, tips, and chronicle my adventures in cooking healthy meals that my husband & children have enjoyed. Who wants to spend a bunch of money on fresh meats, fruit, and vegetables and have no idea what to do with them? ALL of the recipes on this blog are “Family Approved” – so even though they’re healthy, “normal” people like them too! I think eating healthy should be a lifestyle and not a chore ....with a little help, choosing the right foods will just become part of who you are. I'm not fanatical about eating healthy, but I understand how difficult it can be to make the right choices.

Who am I?

I am…

April. I was born and raised in Alabama. I am a mother to 4 of the best kids in the world. I am wife to an AMAZING man, who makes me feel incredibly blessed! Besides cooking I enjoy the fitness world, traveling, the beach/ sunshine, and summer time!!

Bon Appetit!!

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Monday, July 25, 2011


Ok, So I haven't been cooking any "knock your socks off" kinda food lately. I have been pretty busy with the kids this summer and we just moved (and are not quite done moving either). I have been doing the same ol' quick and routine meals.
I have been spending the past year working on eliminating as much can, box, and processed foods I can and would like to share a couple of these changes. "Cream of..." Soup. It seems that every other recipe calls for a can of this stuff! Whether you want to save money or control the amount of chemicals and fat you put into your body, making your own white sauce and flavoring is cheaper and better for you than those canned cream of whatever soups. I have also been working on my own spaghetti sauce and have mastered it, but it is a fly by the seat of my pants recipe and I need to write down what I put in it!....I will be doing this soon. I am also going to share a recipe for Taco seasoning. Of course, I use this recipe in Ground Turkey.
Cream of...(fill in blank)

Basic recipe
2 Tbs Butter
2 Tbs Flour
1/4 Tsp salt
1 C Milk
In a heavy sauce pan, melt butter. Sprinkle the flour over it ans stir to incorporate. Cook over medium-low heat for 2-3 minutes. Slowly whisk in the milk.

Cream of Chicken
If you want to make cream of chicken flavored sauce, use half chicken broth and half milk. If you have trouble getting this smooth, try heating the milk or broth (or both) before adding to the flour mixture. Bring to a simmer and cook over low heat, barely simmering, for a few minutes until thick. This replaces 1 can of cream of chicken soup.

Cheese Sauce:
If you want to make cheese sauce, just add cheese  to the basic recipe and stir until smooth. 

Cream of ...some veggie:
To make cream of some vegetable soup, saute 1/4 cup or so finely chopped celery, mushrooms, or onion in butter before adding the flour and use half broth and half milk.

Taco seasoning:
1/4 C instant minced onion
2 Tbs chili powder
2 Tsp paprika
2 Tsp crushed dried red pepper flakes
1.5 Tsp dried oregano
1/2 Tsp dried marjoram
1 Tbs salt
1/4 Tsp pepper
2 Tbs cornstarch
1 Tbs garlic powder
1 Tsp ground  cumin
1 Tbs lemon pepper

Mix all ingredients well. 2 Tbs per pound of meat, then add 1/2 cup of water or so (eye it).


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